Sunday, January 23, 2011

I finally have my personal website up! I had been going back and forth for a long time about what I wanted to do about a website. I thought about having someone make one for me but that can be costly and it didn't make a lot of sense for me to pay someone to do what I could do for myself. Time was the biggest concern but I have managed to find a quick solution.

Right now, I am working on building up my body of work so that I can buff up my gallery. If you are interested in seeing what I have been working on check it out.

....and in the meantime, here is a video that I posted on youtube of me painting.

Music by ORGAVIN.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 a new year

I am excited about the new year. I have been thinking abouy what I want to do differently this year. The first thing I did today was wrote a list of all of the accomplishments that I have made. I have a tendency to see the glass at half empty, rather than half long as it is not full. It is a very toxic way of thinking and I need to stop that. When I sat down and went through each sale and all the hurdles I had to jump over, like finding affordable materials ect I realized that I have accomplished a lot. I have sold a little over 1,000 dollars worth of art/crafts over 6 months. That isnt a phenominal number or anything but its good considering I am a noob and the shitty economy.

It didn't feel like a lot at the time because I couldnt see the big picture. I have done more in the past 6 months than a lot of people have done in years and I am finally acknowledging those small drops of water accumulating in the bottom of my cup.

So what's new for the new year?
I have some social experiments I wanna try. Of course there are new techniqus I would like to conquer but I also want to play around with different things to see how my audience responds to it.

I also would like a new outlet. I recently signed up on fineartamerica and after about 30 days i managed to sale 3 paintings, which is good. I would to find a bridge between me and international customers. No clue really how to make that happen but eventually it will.

I need to start updating this thing more regularly. I think I keep up with it pretty well, compared to the average blogger but even still. Its time to get this ball on the roll.

Happy new year.
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Saturday, January 1, 2011

My first painting of 2011! A fingerpainting!

This was completely experimental but it looks like it was a success! I will continue to do these. I love my paint brushes...but this was a lot of fun!